Monday, August 27, 2007

The Community sharing business is booming with newer products every day. Pownce lets people share files, pictures and other data with their friends at once. What seems to be happening is business growing faster than the growth of communities .... we'd rather be a part of a community or two rather than zillions of them. The business could be settling with greater niches and fewer audience!


The Edinburgh Fringe Festival!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

read this bewildering article, blackwater - 0ne of the many private army contractors that support the American army in Iraq!
The original article was written by Jeremy Scahill, who is the author of The New York Times-bestseller"Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

bliin ... a dutch company helps online users locate each other on the google maps... not sure of its mass applicability yet!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A very interesting campaign by the Macquarie School of Management in Australia, there is so much for institutions to explore in interactive as more and more students make there education decisions online.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Went to the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, one of the largestand oldest Libraries in Europe and found some Interesting Pictures in an exhibition of the UK's Colonial Past :>>
Mitchell Library is known for its digitised record of Scottish Peoples around the world who can search for their family history here. They are known to be more Scottish people living abroad than in Scotland ... a country of just 6m, 10% of the UK's population. There are known to be some 20m Scottish Americans only!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A South African online community, getting Africa myspacing..

Monday, August 06, 2007

Guy Kawasaki's latest passion, he talks about how to built a content site in $12,000 in his blog!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

An interesting incident when the cover story on Business Week's recent issue on how web communities are changing business was quoted by a San Francisco based PR firm as their work on a related google search. The company's link just the second one from top goes further naming the clients that motivated the article ... I like the age of transparency building around the web :)


Just a funny link I came across surfing, the kids online community from Finland.

BlogRovR: read my blog anywhere! want this on your blog?